My Favorite Product
Geraldine's Bio
Hey beauty lovers!!! My name is Geraldine Tavares. I’m so happy to be featured as a MŌDA® Maven! I’m a lover of makeup and everything related to beauty. The makeup world is everything to me - how I entertain myself, have fun, and let my creativity fly! I can do any type of makeup but I must confess that I am a lover of artistic makeup. I’m like a sponge that absorbs everything and every day I learn more and more.
MŌDA® is my favorite brush brand EVER! My favorite set is MŌDA® Posh Pastel Full Face Kit. They are perfect to create any look, they are super soft and the pastel colors are super cute. I could only choose one set as a favorite but I must confess that it was so hard as I love all the MŌDA® brushes.
Use Geraldine's discount code at checkout for extra savings! CODE: GERABEAUTY