Follow along to achieve this Mystical Crystal Queen look! Featuring the MŌDA® Mythical 5PC BRILLIANT AMETHYST KIT.

With the same brush, dip into a darker pink shade. Starting just below the lighter pink, blend out until you reach desired vibrancy.


Below the crease, pack on a loose, neon purple pigment. Cut the crease again and follow with white liquid liner. Add white glitter onto the lid.


Apply the royal blue and pink under the eye, leaving an open space near the inner corner. Use a white eye pencil to line the waterline and through the open space.


Use the Angle Blush with a deep pink blush to contour. Dip the same brush into a shimmery highlight and apply to the tops of the cheekbones.


Complete your look with lip gloss, colored contacts, lashes, and a wig.